How Does Pneumonia Affect Your Body

How Does Pneumonia Affect Your Body

Pneumonia is an infection in one or both lungs, which many germs such as, viruses, bacterias, and fungi are causing it. Once the lungs are infected the air sacs will have inflammation which is called alveoli. The alveoli may fill with fluid or pus that causes chills, fever, cough with phlegm and breathing difficulties. 

Pneumonia can be serious from mild to life threatening. Older people ranging to 65 and up, young children and people with a health problem or who have a weak immune system are mostly the targets of these germs. 

Symptoms of Pneumonia

There are different kinds of signs and symptoms of pneumonia. It varies on how severe or mild it is, depending on the factors. It can be the type of germs causing the infection, the age or health history. For mild symptoms and signs they are more likely cold or flu but they last longer. The rest signs and symptoms may include chest pain when breathing or coughing, fatigue, fever or chills, nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath. For older people, they sometimes have confusion in their mental awareness and they have lower body temperature than normal.  

Is Pneumonia Contagious? 

Yes, pneumonia is contagious. The germs that cause pneumonia are responsible for it to be contagious. They can be spread to others through inhalation of airborne droplets from sneeze or cough. Another will be direct contact with objects that are contaminated by the virus or bacteria. 

Pneumonia can be treated depending on the type of pneumonia whether it is mild or severe. If you feel any of the above symptoms or signs, seek professional help. Pneumonia is a serious disease in which medical attention is needed. 

Consult your physician for personalized medical advice.

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